de-gents/ by 1.618/
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A fellow both debonair and crude, A mix of gentleman and degenerate.
culmination of stencil, glitch and generative art/
650+ unique traits within boundaries of stencil art/
created and curated aesthetically over a period of ~1500 hours/
the characters of 1.618/
Free claim #1 : L4yer#1 (Dynamic, onchain, depend on wallets' degents activity) ended/
Claim #2 : de-keks/ based on the greatest internet meme character to ever be created - pepes
Claim #3 : PrimordialSoupCans
Claim #4 : OnChain Opepens using 5 contracts for a single collection [100% onChain]
Top Community Members
Followed most by the community
Members of de-gents/ by 1.618/ who are followed most by other members of de-gents/ by 1.618/.
Highest reach
Members of de-gents/ by 1.618/ who are have the highest global reach.
Largest following
Members of de-gents/ by 1.618/ who are have the largest following across all of Twitter.
Comparison Collection
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