Alpha Elementary

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At Alpha Elementary we believe in these kids and the potential for an exciting future filled with curiosity, hard work and adventure. They're a unique class of cool, cute, creepy and, unfortunately for some, downright ugly kids, ready to have their portrait taken on school photo day.

Health Snapshot
Collection Follow
Percentile: 91.3%
7-Day Tweets
Percentile: 0.0%
Unique PFP
Percentile: 71.8%
💎 Members
Percentile: 72.7%
Profile Flow
Visualize how X profile pictures are moving. What collections are people coming to Alpha Elementary from and what collections are they leaving Alpha Elementary for. Limited to, at most, the top 30 collections.
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Members of Alpha Elementary who are followed most by other members of Alpha Elementary.

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Members of Alpha Elementary who are have the highest global reach.

Largest following

Members of Alpha Elementary who are have the largest following across all of Twitter.